Non-technical, Popular Works

Warne, R. T. (2024). Lessons about the human mind from artificial intelligence. Skeptic, 29(1), 30-35.

Warne, R. T. (December 5, 2023). The rise and fall of social psychology. Aporia.

Warne, R. T. (October 29, 2023). The West’s fertility crisis. Aporia.

Warne, R. T. (March 13, 2023). What Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter can teach academia. Minding the Campus.

Warne, R. T. (October 28, 2022). Book review: Shakespeare and the experimental psychologist. Utah Theatre Bloggers Association.

Warne, R. T. (November 25, 2021). The push for equity in education hurts vulnerable children the most. Quillette.

Warne, R. T. (2021). Are you ready for the genetic revolution in education? Phi Delta Kappan, 103(2), 34-39.

Warne, R. T. (December 16, 2020). A tribute to Professor James R. Flynn. International Society for Intelligence Research.

Warne, R. T. (October 29, 2020). Understanding bias in intelligence, academic, and cognitive tests. Fifteeneightyfour.

Warne, R. T. (July 22, 2020). Misusing editorial power to censor unpopular research. The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal.

Warne, R. T. (April 26, 2020). Guest opinion: Utah could be full of asymptomatic coronavirus cases. We need to find out. Deseret News.

Warne, R. T. (March 20, 2019). The mismeasurements of Stephen Jay Gould. Quillette. Retrieved from

Warne, R. T., & Wagge, J. (June 19, 2018). Undergrads can improve psychology. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from

Warne, R. T. (April 24, 2018). A Tony Award for Best Musical triples a show’s likelihood of staying open. Utah Theatre Bloggers Association. Retrieved from

Warne, R. T. (July 31, 2017). Recent studies look at the potential benefits of full-grade acceleration. National Association for Gifted Children. Retrieved from Also published on the Thomas B. Fordham Institute’s The High Flyer blog:

Warne, R. T. (November 22, 2016). Intelligence theory bolsters our understanding of high-ability students. National Association for Gifted Children. Retrieved from Also published on the Thomas B. Fordham Institute’s The High Flyer blog:

Warne, R. T. (October 4, 2016). Are online theatre reviews as useful as traditional reviews? Utah Theatre Bloggers Association. Retrieved from

Warne, R. T. (September 22, 2015). Making sure your article gets seen: One researcher’s (multimedia) approach. Taylor & Francis Author Services. Retrieved from

Warne, R. T. (August 4, 2015). Pushing students to take Advanced Placement courses does not help anyone. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Warne, R. T. (July 7, 2015). Advanced Placement classes under the microscope. Psychology Today PsychEd blog. Retrieved from

Book Chapters

Warne, R. T. (2023). Censorship in an educational society: A case study of the National Association for Gifted Children. In C. L. Frisby, W. T. O’Donohue, & S. O. Lilienfeld, Ideological and political bias in psychology: Nature, scope, and solutions (pp. 461-489). Springer.

Preprints and Unpublished Scholarly Work

Jolly, J. L., & Warne, R. T. (August 14, 2020). Engaging with gifted education’s past to inform the present and the future. PsyArxiv.

Jolly, J. L., & Warne, R. T. (August 9, 2019). Reconciling contemporary gifted education with its foundations. Retrieved from doi:10.31234/

Warne, R. T. (December 27, 2016). Publication bias currently makes an accurate estimate of the benefits of enrichment programs difficult: A postmortem of two meta-analyses using statistical power analysis. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED572464) (link to paper)

Warne, R. T. (2008). Reliability generalization (RG) analysis: The test is not reliable. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED500497) (link to paper)
